仕 様 ☆プロテクターhis baseball chest protector offers breathable protection for catchers. Designed for a personalized fit, it"s built with lightweight foam padding to help absorb the impact from foul balls and errant throws. Moisture-wicking fabric keeps you dry and comfortable behind the plate. Lining: 70% cotton / 30% polyester fleeceSweat-wicking Climalite fabricBody contour Fit System for a perfect fitLightweight, multilayer memory foam paddingレガースLining: 70% cotton / 30% polyester fleeceSweat-wicking Climalite fabricVentilated shellTriple-layer knee capAdjustable knee and legs inserts are removable and washableInnovative design minimizes direct impact to your joints and ligamentsマスクAn amazing Pro Issue Adidas Catcher"s Mask to protect the face for baseball players or umpires.very light weight !!
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*他にもUSA エルボーガード☆出品しておりますのでよろしっかたらご覧下さい。
仕 様 ☆プロテクターhis baseball chest protector offers breathable protection for catchers. Designed for a personalized fit, it"s built with lightweight foam padding to help absorb the impact from foul balls and errant throws. Moisture-wicking fabric keeps you dry and comfortable behind the plate.
Lining: 70% cotton / 30% polyester fleeceSweat-wicking Climalite fabricBody contour Fit System for a perfect fitLightweight, multilayer memory foam paddingレガースLining: 70% cotton / 30% polyester fleeceSweat-wicking Climalite fabricVentilated shellTriple-layer knee capAdjustable knee and legs inserts are removable and washableInnovative design minimizes direct impact to your joints and ligamentsマスクAn amazing Pro Issue Adidas Catcher"s Mask to protect the face for baseball players or umpires.very light weight !!
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